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Kutties.... A penny saved is a penny earned!


Monday, January 12, 2015

Lion & Mouse Story

The Story Begins Kutties...

Once upon a time, In the forest -- there lived a very proud Lion. He was very large and extremely strong and he was the King of the forest.
One day when a Lion was asleep, a little Mouse began running up and down upon him. 
Because of the tickle,the Lion woke up to see what was happening.

He got very angry and placed his huge paw upon him and opened his big jaws to swallow him. 
The frightened mouse told the Lion,
"Pardon, O King!", "Forgive me this time. I shall never repeat it and I shall never forget your kindness. And who knows, but I may be able to do you a good turn one of these days?"
The Lion laughed at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him, that he lifted up his paw and let him go.
Some days later, a  hunter captured the Lion with a net and went in search of a wagon to carry him away.
Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the state if the Lion, he ran up to him.

The mouse said "O King! Do not worry. I will Help you!"
He started to bit the ropes of the net and made a big hole for the lion to escape.

Now the Lion was free and happy. 
 "Was I not right?" said the little Mouse, feeling very happy to help the Lion.
The Lion also Thanked him. They became very good friends from then on...

So Kutties the moral of this story is : 
Little friends also can prove great friends.

The proverb that goes with the moral of this story is

A Friend in deed is a friend in need.

Meaning :
1.   A true friend is one who helps you when you are in need. 
2.   If one of your friends is in need (of help), be a good friend to them and help them.

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