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Kutties.... A penny saved is a penny earned!


Monday, January 19, 2015

Healthy Snack Bars!

Is it not yummy? It is healthy too....

Kutties … Do you want to eat it….

It is very simple to make… Teach your mommy this simple evening snacks!

What you need ?

1)        2 tablespoons butter
2)     1/3 cup of honey + sugar + brown sugar
3)        2 cups of rolled oats
4)        1 cup of dry nuts + fruits
   little salt to taste.... That’s it!

Let us get started….

1)  Take one bowl.

2)  In that add all the above items and mix it well.

3)  Then take a tray and spread the mixture and cut our pieces.

4)  Then bake it for 30 minutes at 300 degree F.

5)  Allow it to cool.
6)  Take the pieces and taste.
Easy is it not?  

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