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Kutties.... A penny saved is a penny earned!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Saraswathi Namasthubyam!


We are going to hear and learn another Important Slogam today

Today the slogam is Saraswathy Namastubhyam for Goddess Saraswathy...

      Small kids are taught this shloka (verse) when they start school.This will help you to get the blessings of Goddess Saraswati who is divinity of learning & knowledge!

Kutties let us get started…

Saraswati Namastubhyam  
Varade Kaama Roopini
Vidyaa Rambham Karishyaami  

Siddhir Bhavatu Me Sadaa!


O Mother, Saraswati! we salute you. You are the giver of many blessings with boons that fulfill our wishes.

Please help me as I am begining my efforts to gain knowledge and other noble goals. We depend on you. Please bestow on me the capacity of Right understanding always!


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