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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Gayatri Mantra!

Hello Kutties…

We are going to hear and learn another simple yet powerful Slogam today

Today the slogam is Gayatri Mantra for Goddess Gayatri...

      Second only to Aum, the Gayatri mantra is regarded as one of the most powerful mantras of Hinduism. By repeated chanting with correct pronunciation, it is said that one is able to attain enlightenment. 

Kutties let us get started…

Aum Bhur Bhuva Svaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat!


It should be remembered that this simple mantra has several meanings, all of which are valid. Two of the meanings are given below.

Meaning 1: O God, you are the giver of life, remover of pain and sorrow, who bestows happiness, may your light destroy our sins, and may you illumine our intellect to lead us along the righteous path.

Meaning 2: Aum, we meditate on the splendor of the supreme reality, the source of the three worlds: the gross or physical, the subtle or the mental, and the celestial or the spiritual. 

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