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Kutties.... A penny saved is a penny earned!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Guru Namaskaram!

Hello Kutties…

We are going to hear and learn one simple Slogam today !

Today is our firstso let us start with a bow to the Guru’s – Our Teachers !

Before that –

Kutties Do you know what sloga is?

It just means a small song used for praying.

 Sloga : 1

Gurur Brahmaa
Gurur Vishnuh
Gurur Devo Maheshvarah
Gurur Saakshaat
Tasmai Shree Gurave Namah.


Our Teacher is Like Lord Brahma as he creates knowledge within us.

Our Teacher is like Lord Vishnu as he guides us to be good and do good things.

 And Finally, our teacher is also like Lord Shiva as he destroys the bad qualities in us and enlighten us.

So we should all respect and obey to our teachers always.

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