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Kutties.... A penny saved is a penny earned!


Monday, January 19, 2015

The Golden Eggs!

Today's Story is :  The Golden Egg!

    Once upon a time in a small hut lived a man & his wife... They had some hens and goose in their farm.

     One day they both were hungry and wanted to feast on a goose. So the man went out to the farm looking out for it. 

    With a little effort he was able to catch one. 

    As he was about to kill the goose, it squeaked, 
“Please do not kill me, O kind man! I will help you.” 

    He stopped. Though he was surprised that the goose spoke, he asked, “How can you help me?” 

“If you spare my life, I will lay a golden egg everyday for you.” said the Special goose. 

    The man’s eyes got widened in delight. He rushed back to his wife and told all about the special goose they were blessed to have.

   The next morning, they found a golden egg & the goose outside the hut. 

“It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!” exclaimed the man & his wife with great delight. 

  From that day onwards, Every day the goose would lay a golden egg, which made the couple very rich.

   The man and his wife made a good fortune out of this. Lucky they were, but they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough. As they grew rich they grew greedy.

      "Just think," said the man's wife, "If we could have all the golden eggs that are inside the goose, we could be richer much faster."
       "You're right," said her husband, "We wouldn't have to wait for the goose to lay her egg every day."

       So the man and his wife decided to kill the goose to get all the gold at once. They did so and opened it only to find,—nothing. She was just like every other goose. 

   Because of their greediness they lost all their good fortune forever. No more golden eggs at all! 

So Kutties the moral of this story is : 

The proverb that goes with the moral of this story is

Greed loses all.

Meaning :
1.   Greed never allows you to think you have enough.
2.   Much wants more and loses all.


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