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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hanging Names

Today’s Activity is :

Let your Kids play with their names.

Things we need:

1.   Alphabet set. 

2.  String.

3.  Scissors 

That’s it! We have all we need to make our kids familiar with their names J

Lets Get Started Now:

·        Pick out the alphabets that are part of the name and arrange them in order.

·        Then choose a place where you kid spends most of the time.

Boucers for toddlers
Kids table edges for Infants

·        Cut the string into pieces of varying lengths.
  (no. of string pieces = no. of letters in the name)

·        Then tie them in a fashion that they can touch and play with it say for example like in the below picture.

·        If Needed we can put up smiles or your kids favourite toys hanging in between. I have shown smile....

·        We are done!

               Proudly tell your kids that it is their name J

            They will love to Play with it even more….

                                                         Make it even more fun by:
Asking them to reach out to the names by jumping Or
Running and touching them out.

              Hope you liked it….

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