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Kutties.... A penny saved is a penny earned!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Riddles Set - 3

Dear Kutties,

You are always curious to find out new things right?

I'm funny,
I describes something,
I am told in few lines,
And you will guess me in no time!

Answer: I’m a Riddle!!

Check out if you know the answers for these little poems or phrases that pose a question and need answers!  Kutties... Guess & Find!!!

Crack it!

*  A cloud was my mother, 
    The wind is my father, 
    My son is the cool stream, 
    My daughter is the fruit of the land,
    A rainbow is my bed, 
   The earth is where I finally rest!

*  A white dove flew down by the castle. 
    Along came a king
    Picked me up handless,
   Ate me up toothless, 
  Got carried me away wingless!

*  There are five brothers in this world that were all born together.   
      The first runs and never wearies. 
     The second eats and is never full. 
     The third drinks and is always thirsty. 
    The fourth sings a song that is never good. 
   Fifth can be seen but never reached!

*  I have streets but no pavement,
      I have cities but no buildings,
      I have forests but no trees,
     I have rivers yet no water!

*  At the sound of me, men may dream, Or stamp their feet.
   At the sound of me, women may laugh, Or sometimes weep!
Kutties ....
 Check if your guesses are right :- 

  •  Rain
  • Snow melted by the sun. 
  •  Water, fire, earth, wind & Skies.
  • Map.
  •  Music

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